What’s stopping you from investing in property?
What’s stopping you from investing in property? It can be a little scary if you believe what they tell you on the news. So, I just quickly wanted to quickly address some potential reasons and the solution.

There will never be a “wrong time” to purchase property as an investment and by waiting until the ‘right’ time, you could be missing out on a golden opportunity. Property always rises and falls but it always rises more over time and in the meantime, rents have and will continue to soar. The answer therefore is to invest long term and knowing that the logical strategy is to get in now, while you can still get a good discount on the purchase price.
So, do you really have to ask yourself do you really want to have your money sitting in the bank for yet another year, being eaten away by inflation? You only need very little to invest with to begin.

Some could be fearful, doubtful, worried about the stress, the hassle, the risk and having no time to invest and that this can easily make you feel anxious and overwhelmed. For example, you may ask what if the property does not rent? Since we only invest in areas of high demand and refurbish our properties to a good standard, they are usually snapped up within the first few weeks.
Some may be thinking that you could do it yourself and I get that. But even if you had the knowledge of what to do and how to do it, isn’t your time more valuable. And what about getting it wrong? That could leave you with a liability that costs you money every month, instead of an asset that increases in value every year. My simple unique model takes care of everything and removes the stress and hassle of investing
And let’s be honest you could be asking can I trust you? After all you would be trusting me with your hard-earned savings, and also your financial future. The answer lies in my core values of transparency, integrity and professionalism. Clients know exactly what they will be getting before we start, and it’s all tied up legally. We sit down together to understand your story and what you are trying to achieve and to nurture the feeling that we are in this venture together and that your success is our success.
So, all you need is the desire and commitment. Ignore the noise and have the right team behind you. Its that simple. Let’s set up a call to discuss. Ph 01 332981666 or email

Posted: Tue 25 Jun 2024
